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Will your venture sink or swim?

Success and gain in business is mostly a reflection of a powerful value proposition. A value proposition is a promise statement that a company commits to its target customers; it explains how the offered product or service solves a problem embedded in the customer's needs. A capable value proposition should alleviate pain, create gains/benefits and, ideally, should have a unique differentiating selling point to convince the customer that what you're offering is better than the competition.

If you're interested in learning more about the tools necessary to build a sound value proposition for your business idea, then you should definitely attend Sink or Swim: NBI's Product Innovation Workshop next week. At this interactive workshop you will work closely with business leaders to craft a unique value proposition that extracts maximum value from your business idea, allowing you to developing a product or service that is tailored to the needs of your customers.

Guest Mentors

Mr Gabriel Perez

PGDip Bioscience Enterprises, Msc Candidate at the University of Manchester

Gabriel holds a Molecular Biotechnology degree and a Postgraduate Diploma in Bioscience Enterprises. He has 5 years of experience working for scientific spin-out companies. Mr Perez was previously the Research & Development Lead at Biopacific Ltd in Chile where he worked on product development. He is currently pursuing a Msc in Biotechnology and Enterprise at The University of Manchester where he is conducting a research project on science-based entrepreneurship in the context of national entrepreneurship systems.

Dr Martin Henery

Enterprise Academic Lecturer, Manchester Enterprise Centre

Dr Henery joined the Manchester Enterprise Centre as an Enterprise Fellow in 2002 before taking up the post of Enterprise Academic in 2004. He worked for a number of years as a research assistant at UMIST developing a range of technologies. One of these became a new company, where Martin developed medical instrumentation for the US market. His interests are technology and knowledge transfer and creating new opportunities and ventures. Dr Henery's skills are product development, creativity and problem-solving.

Professor Richard Walmsley

Gentronix (Scientific Director and Chief Scientific Officer) and Professor of Genetics

Professor Walmsley joined the Faculty of Life Sciences at University of Manchester in 1984, where he is currently Professor of Genetics. Prof Walmsley started with yeast as a model system, publishing studies on the stability of cloned genes, the first estimate of replicon size, and the genetic control of telomere length. The latter led to the development of a yeast genetic fingerprinting test, and an interest in Biotechnology.  Genome sequencing produced a need for screening tools, and a screen developed to search for new DNA repair genes produced the GreenScreen GC genotoxicity assay. Limitations in the yeast assay simulated the development of the more relevant, and accurate human GADD45 GreenScreen HC assay, which established the innovative credentials of Gentronix Ltd.

Dr Dan Jones

Fusion Implants (Director)

Dr Jones graduated from the University of Limerick in 2006 with a BSc in Industrial Biochemistry. As part of his undergraduate degree, he spent a year in industry working for Stryker Biotech on bone morphogenic proteins and Tri-calcium phosphate bone cement. In 2007 he started his PhD at the University of Liverpool, working on a Stryker Orthopaedics sponsored project which was related to porous titanium structures for bone in-growth applications, (produced by selective laser melting), and their consequential characterisation by mechanical, physical, and biological methods. On completion of his PhD in 2011, he accepted a post-doctoral position in the School of Engineering at the University of Liverpool; this research was related to the design, manufacture and in vivo testing of dental and veterinary implants, produced by selective laser melting. During this time an opportunity arose to commercialise this research particularly in the veterinary sector where he was supported by 3 University of Liverpool veterinary surgeons. In March 2013 he set up Fusion Implants, a spin off from the School of Engineering with the aim of designing, manufacturing and distributing veterinary orthopaedic devices, he secured venture capital and an Innovate UK grant to kick start the company.


Wednesday the 24th of February, 2016 at 2:00PM (Registration from 1:30PM)


The University of Manchester

University Place, 6th Floor

Oxford Rd, Manchester M13 9PL

This event is open to everyone who is interested in learning more about commercialising science and research.

The workshop will be followed by a catered networking reception. Please register HERE to attend!

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