Women in Science 2022
Consulting Networking Event 2022
On Friday the 30th of September, NWBI hosted the first event of the new academic year bringing pioneering biotechnology consulting companies and students together. The Consulting Networking Event saw over 70 students engage with 7 collaborators at the Alliance Business School, encouraging an environment for questions and conversations.
The event provided space for undergraduates and postgraduate students alike to learn more about the world of pharmaceutical consulting from firms based in London and Manchester. With opportunities for companies to introduce themselves and their work, along with free space to talk to encourage discussions and networking.
NWBI extends a huge thank you to the collaborators who took the time to join us, and we look forward to hosting this event again soon.
For more detailed information about each of our Collaborators please see below:

Founded in 2014 aims to assist pharma companies to plan and strategize market access and pricing guides. Within their portfolio lies multiple digital tools designed to improve and streamline the access to market information for their clients.
A leading pharmaceutical consultancy brand, Adelphi support companies with the development, launch and marketing of upcoming pharma brands. With various child companies within the areas of healthcare communications, Real World Value & Outcomes, and Healthcare Research, Adelphi boasts a global network across the US, Europe, and Asia.

Helping firms, operators, and even the NHS, Candesic provide advice and consultation regarding the buying, selling, and refinancing of businesses across the various sectors. Using distinctive data collection techniques such as web robots along with having teams of healthcare professionals working alongside business experiments provides unique and robust guidance to companies.

Founded in 2014 aims to assist pharma companies to plan and strategize market access and pricing guides. Within their portfolio lies multiple digital tools designed to improve and streamline the access to market information for their clients.

A consulting company focusing on the reimbursement, market access and pricing, REMAP Consulting are a pharma consulting company based in Cheshire, England with offices also in Switzerland. Working with their clients REMAP offer 3 key services, Launch Implementation, Price & Market Access Training, and Price Optimization, to enable patient access to upcoming products and solutions from R&D to finally delivery.

The Careers Service are a University of Manchester department, which provide support and advice to current and graduate students. Hosting a variety of events and training sessions throughout the year, alongside individual sessions they provide a multitude of opportunities and connections.

Working with staff and students from the University of Manchester, the Innovation Factory provide consultancy and advice for anyone looking to share and protect their research. Their core missions aim to create positive social, economic, and environmental impact.